Monday, April 13, 2009

Free Presets for Adobe Lightroom

Presets for Lightroom

Expand Your Creative Possibilites
with Lightroom Presets

Available for free download here:

onOne makes a variety of Photoshop plug-ins including their most popular available for a free 30 day trial.

The Adobe Camera Raw presets are completely free and do not have the 30 day restriction!

Get Over 140 FREE Lightroom Presets Designed by Photoshop Guru Jack Davis
  • Quickly correct color and tone
  • Easily add creative effects
  • Save time by streamlining your workflow
Extensive Range of Versatile Presets for Lightroom

Designed to provide a streamlined workflow and make you more creative, these presets for Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom were designed by Photoshop Guru Jack Davis to help you get the most out of Lightroom. PhotoPresets for Lightroom now includes two dynamite collections of development presets. The first collection, PhotoPresets with One-Click WOW! includes 85 presets for quick and easy image optimization such as color and tonal correction. The second collection, PhotoPresets WOW Effects (released in Feb '09), includes 55 additional presets for adding special effects to your images, taking advantage of the new features in Lightroom 2. The best part is the price - you can download all of these presets for free!
Download PhotoPresets for Lightroom Now.

Presets for Photoshop Lightroom

The original photo, by Jack Davis, is on the far left.

The variations on the right represent examples of

what you can do when applying a single or combination of presets to the photo.

See PhotoPresets for Lightroom In Action

Curious how to get started? Photoshop guru Jack Davis has put together a video showing you how to get the most out of PhotoPresets with One-Click WOW! Watch the full video or select one of the six chapters.

Full Movie (26:30, 40 MB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (2:18, 3 MB)
Chapter 2 - Getting started using white balance, tone & vibrance presets (5:40, 8 MB)
Chapter 3 - Monochrome: Using the Black & White conversion, tints & vignette presets (4:50, 7 MB)
Chapter 4 - Color Effects: Using HSL presets and manual adjustments (4:50, 7 MB)
Chapter 5 - See it in Action: Full workflow with several examples (7:07, 11 MB)
Chapter 6 - Workflow tips for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (2:09, 4 MB)

If you share this link please let everyone know you found it here at:


Hear all about it!

Whether you are a pro or a newbie,
gear or Photoshop oriented,
there is a pod-cast tailored to you

You have an i-pod or an mp3 player, even most mobile phones have the ability so why aren't you listening to photography pod-casts? Don't know where to find them, Ok well here is a list to get you started.


The Ultimate List of

Free Photography Podcasts

This list was compiled by a photography news related website and is quite extensive although by no means complete.

If you know of any great photography pod-casts please post them in the comments section of this post!

If you share this link please let everyone know you found it here at:


Monday, April 6, 2009

Free Adobe Camera Raw Presets

onOne Software
giving away free
Over 140 Adobe Camera RAW Presets

Available for free download here:

onOne makes a variety of Photoshop plug-ins including their most popular available for a free 30 day trial.

The Adobe Camera Raw presets are completely free and do not have the 30 day restriction!

PhotoPresets let you quickly and easily adjust all of the development parameters in Adobe Camera Raw. Its your one-click solution for correct white balance, tone, vibrance, hue and sharpening of your photo. You can selectively apply tools to lighten and darken the sky or smooth skin, and you can quickly apply unique creative effects to your images. PhotoPresets even allows you to preview each effect before you apply it and stack several presets together to get the look you desire. Then you can save an entire stack of settings as your own custom preset for future use and even use them for batch processing. Getting great results with your Raw images in ACR couldn't be easier. The variations on the right represent examples of what you can do when applying a single or combination of presets to the photo.

Extensive Range of Versatile Presets for Adobe Camera Raw

Designed to provide a streamlined workflow and make you more creative, these presets for Adobe® Camera Raw (ACR) were designed by Photoshop Guru Jack Davis to help you get the most out of your Raw images in Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 or CS4. PhotoPresets for ACR now includes two dynamite collections of development presets. The first collection, PhotoPresets with One-Click WOW! includes 85 presets for quick and easy image optimization such as color and tonal correction. The second collection, PhotoPresets WOW Effects (released in Feb '09), includes 55 additional presets for adding special effects to your images. The best part is the price - you can download all of these presets for free!
Download PhotoPresets for ACR Now.

onOne makes a variety of Photoshop plug-ins including their most popular available for a free 30 day trial. The Adobe Camera Raw presets are completely free and do not have the 30 day restriction.

Here is a sample of what onOne has available:

If you share this link please let everyone know you found it here at:


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